Stanley Ford Sweetwater

Tire Balancing Service

Close up view of tire laid flat

Tire Balancing Service at Stanley Ford Sweetwater

When you must replace your tires, it’s usually not a cheap purchase. Tires wear down quickly depending on the terrain you choose to drive on, and you’ll find that your tread practically disappears if you’re not servicing your set correctly. When you want to make sure that your tires last near Abilene, Sweetwater, or Roscoe, a tire balancing service goes a long way. When you need your tires inspected, you can always visit Stanley Ford Sweetwater. 

What is Tire Balancing? 

When you bring your vehicle in for an oil change, you may have a mechanic ask you whether you want to have your tires balanced. This is a service that you’ll want to opt for every 5,000 to 6,000 miles, as it ensures that your tires are weighted evenly. When one tire weighs considerably more or less than the others, you might be forced to deal with shoddy performance. This can get annoying, especially if you drive a performance-oriented model. By weighing your current set of tires so that they all weigh the exact same, you’ll be able to ensure that your tire tread lasts for much longer, and you’ll find other benefits as well, as you might even have better gas mileage. If you don’t know if you need this service, you can always schedule with Stanley Ford Sweetwater. With an inspection, our mechanics can let you know where you stand. 

Symptoms of Unbalanced Tires

If you’re unsure about whether you need service, the signs below can often point you in the right direction. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, it’s likely time for your next repair. 
  • Your Seats Begin to Vibrate: If you feel like your car is trembling or unstable, head to the mechanic as soon as possible. While this could be an issue with balancing, it’s also possible that something like your suspension is acting up. 
  • Your Steering Wheel Vibrates and Shakes: Your steering wheel shouldn’t be vibrating, so if it is, it’s almost certainly time to ask the mechanic for help.
  • You Notice Loud Noises: Loud noises can often be an indicator that something isn’t right with your model.
  • Your Tires Aren’t Wearing Evenly: Your tires should wear at an even rate, so if they’re not, you’re going to need service. With balancing specifically, you may also notice flat spots on your tread appear when you leave your car parked.

Fighting Wear

When you need to make sure that your set has everything it needs, you may want to consider some of these services as well when you stop by for balancing. 
  • A Full Replacement: Some wheels can’t be saved, so when you’re in need of a new tire, our parts department can help you find a suitable replacement.
  • An Alignment: By aligning your tires, you can slow down wear over time. When your tires are attacking the road at just the right angle, they’ll be dealing with less friction.
  • A Rotation: If it’s been a while since your last rotation, you’ll certainly want to consider one before you leave. You’ll want to give the tires that are taking the most damage a break.
When you want to keep your tread from wearing down, you’ll want to schedule service with Stanley Ford Sweetwater.