Stanley Ford Sweetwater

Synthetic Oil Change

Synthetic Oil Change Near You

Synthetic Oil Change Service at Stanley Ford Sweetwater

There’s a lot of general maintenance when it comes to owning a vehicle, but changing your oil is easily the most important. If you were to run out of gas, your engine would be fine until you next filled it up. Running out of oil however can cause a host of issues, as you’ll find that your engine gets extremely hot and can even damage itself. When you’re around Abilene or Roscoe and you’re worried about the level of your oil, you’ll want to stop at Stanley Ford Sweetwater in Sweetwater, TX for all of your automotive needs. Here, our talented mechanics can get your oil changed reliably and quickly and can notify you if there are any other problems present. 

Why Changing Your Oil Is Important

Your engine is constantly moving metal at high speeds and pressures when you drive, so it's important to stay on top of your oil, as it helps to mitigate some of the damage that this would normally cause. Oil creates a barrier between the moving parts so that the friction doesn’t tear them to shreds. It also helps to absorb some of the heat that your engine puts out, evaporating if the temperature gets a little too high. This is why you might notice that your oil level lowers over time. Without it coursing through your engine, things will get so ridiculously hot that your engine might damage itself beyond repair. Changing your oil is an easy service that can not only further the life of your vehicle but save it altogether. 

How To Monitor Oil

With oil being so vital to your engine’s overall health, you’re going to want to make sure that you have a steady supply. Over time, a build-up of dust and particulates entering your system may cause it to become a thick sludge. You can check your oil’s viscosity through the use of your dipstick, which you’ll find underneath the hood of your vehicle. This will tell you the level of your oil, and depending on the color, how soon you need an oil change. You may find that when you dip it, there’s nothing on it. If this happens, your oil has gotten dangerously low, and you’ll want to schedule an immediate service. It may be slightly inconvenient to constantly be checking your levels, but doing so every thousand miles may save you thousands in repair bills down the line. 

A Man-Made Variant

Cars are heavily engineered to have all the best features, so it’s no surprise that there’s a man-made variant of oil known as synthetic oil. It was specifically designed to offer all the best benefits imaginable when it comes to performance and lasts much longer than conventional motor oil. It has better lubrication and was even made to resist the build-up of sludge. When compared to regular motor oil, it consistently lasts a few thousand more miles before needing to be changed. It does cost slightly more than regular, but when you’re offered the decision of which one to choose, synthetic oil easily blows regular oil out of the water. If you plan on keeping your vehicle for years to come, you’ll want to make the change to synthetic. 
Your engine is the most important part of your vehicle, so when you want a service done right, you can schedule online with Stanley Ford Sweetwater.