Stanley Ford Sweetwater

Protect Your Battery in Winter

2024 Ford Expedition parked in a snowy area

How to Protect Your Battery in the Winter at Stanley Ford Sweetwater

If you’ve been on the road for at least a few years, then you’ve likely had your battery die on you at least once. It can be annoying to jumpstart your car, and if jumpstarting doesn’t do the trick, you’re going to need to ask a friend for a ride just so you can buy a new one. If you’re trying to make sure that your battery lasts through the winter, these simple steps below can help you maximize its longevity. If you ever run into any other issues down the road, we’ll be waiting for you at Stanley Ford Sweetwater.

Dealing with Dead Batteries

When drivers run into problems with their electrical system, it’s usually because of the battery. Your starter and alternator are designed to last for long periods, but a battery can only hold a charge for so long. This can be annoying when you’re in a rush, as a dead battery will need to be jumped. Even then, there’s no guarantee that your car will come back to life. If you want to avoid being stuck on the side of the road, it’s best to take care of your battery. This is even more important when it’s winter, as your car is going to be dealing with more stress than normal. This can cause your battery to wear away at an accelerated rate.

Cold Conditions Threaten Your Battery

If you want to know how to protect your car against the cold, it’s important that you know what the cold does in the first place.

  • Frigid Challenges: Your battery is incredibly temperature sensitive, as it contains fluid that can freeze if you happen to have a low charge. If you’ve had a pipe bust from water expanding, then you can imagine the kind of damage that this can do to the insides of your battery. Your battery is also going to have to work harder, as your engine might require more power to turn over, and the chemical reactions that would normally power your battery will be slowed by the frosty conditions.

Simple Fixes to Help Protect Your Battery

You can’t change the temperature outside, but there are quite a few ways that you can work to avoid it.

  • Watch Where You’re Parking: If you’re constantly parking your car outside so that the snow can pile on top of it, then your battery might struggle. You may want to consider finding a warmer area like a garage.
  • Don’t Let It Die: No one ever wants their battery to die, but they might not realize how they’re draining it in the first place. You’ll want to look for anything that might still be on once you turn your car off, like headlights, interior lights, and more. Even a slightly open door can drain your battery.
  • Take an Evening Drive: Your alternator slowly charges your battery every time you get on the road. If you find yourself driving less throughout the winter, then you should try to take your car out at least once a week.
  • A Simple Replacement: If your battery can’t hold a charge, then there’s not much you can do. If you’re near Abilene, Sweetwater, or Snyder, you can find a replacement at Stanley Ford Sweetwater.

 When you’re having battery issues, you can schedule a quick and reliable service at Stanley Ford Sweetwater.