Stanley Ford Sweetwater

Reasons Your Steering Wheel May Be Hard to Turn

View of woman driving a Ford vehicle

Causes of a Hard-to-Turn Steering Wheel

You can’t drive anywhere without a working steering wheel. Before your wheel gives out entirely, you might notice that it’s suddenly harder to turn. This is a sign that something isn’t right with your power steering system, so you’ll want to see a mechanic as soon as possible. When you visit us at Stanley Ford Sweetwater, you’ll be able to count on our mechanics. They’ll be able to quickly locate the issue so that your vehicle provides you with the responsive performance that you’re used to.

Why is My Steering Wheel Having Problems?

Your car has a lot of weight behind it, so your power steering system has to work hard so that you can seamlessly turn your wheel. That doesn’t mean that it can’t run into issues though. Some of the common issues include:

  • Low Power Steering Fluid: Your power steering system isn’t going to work if it’s low on fluid. This is usually an easy fix, as you’ll likely just need to top your system up. Our mechanics can make sure that you have the right amount of fluid before you leave.
  • A Failing Belt: You have belts that run throughout your vehicle, and they work hard to connect your various systems. When you visit us, we’ll be able to check up on them.
  • A Bad Steering Pump: Your power steering fluid isn’t going to help if it’s not pressurized. Your steering pump helps to create the pressure, but if it starts to break down, you’ll quickly notice that it becomes harder and harder to turn your wheel.

Is My Steering System Working?

All the parts above are designed to assist your steering system so that it has the power it needs to work properly. If they’re all fine though, then there’s the chance that the issue is actually your steering system itself. It’s possible that:

  • Some of Your Parts Got Damaged: If you’ve recently hit something, then there’s a chance that this could have damaged the tie rods or some other component of your steering system. These parts need to be able to move freely to work properly, so if they’re bent out of shape, you’re going to get poor performance.
  • Some of Your Parts Are Wearing Away: You may be wondering how your parts got damaged if you’ve never been in an accident. Nothing lasts forever, so your issue could be that these parts are simply wearing away. If you have an older vehicle, it may be smart to check on these components with a quick inspection at Stanley Ford Sweetwater.

What About My Electrical System?

The parts above are generally easy to check, but your electrical system can be a bit more complicated. While some cars opt for a hydraulic system for their power steering systems, some modern vehicles actually use an electric motor. While an electric motor has its own list of benefits, it can also present a few new problems. If you have a broken wire, a blown fuse, or you’re dealing with corrosion, that motor isn’t going to work as well as it used to. If you live near Abilene, Sweetwater, or Colorado City, and you need to make sure that your steering wheel is working properly, you can visit us today at Stanley Ford Sweetwater.

 If it’s harder than usual to turn your vehicle, you can schedule a service today at Stanley Ford Sweetwater.